本帖最后由 烁灵 于 2024-12-31 16:11 编辑
原贴:Tile Color Filter - Apply tone, blend color, hue, brightness, and opacity to tiles only (Ver.1.2.4) | RPG Maker Forums (rpgmakerweb.com)
脚本:保存为 TileColorFilter.js
- // TileColorFilter.js Ver.1.2.4
- // MIT License (C) 2024 あわやまたな
- // http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- /*:
- * @target MZ
- * @plugindesc 对地图图块进行多种操作,不影响角色.
- * 汉化 by 烁灵 更多脚本请访问 www.hknmtt.com
- * @author あわやまたな (Awaya_Matana)
- * @url https://awaya3ji.seesaa.net/article/505508535.html
- * @help Ver.1.2.4
- * [地图、图块备注]
- * <tileTone:R,G,B,gray> // 图块色调
- * RGB:-255 到 255 gray:0 到 255
- * <tileBlend:R,G,B,Opacity> // 图块合成颜色
- * RGB:0 到 255 Opacity:0 到 255
- * <tileHue:hue> // 图块色相
- * hue:-360 到 360
- * <tileBrightness:brightness> // 图块明度
- * brightness:0 到 255
- * <tileOpacity:opacity> // 图块透明度
- * <tileOpacity:upperOpacity,lowerOpacity> // 上层、下层不同设定
- * opacity:0 到 255
- *
- * [脚本]
- * $gameMap.tone() // 获取地图色调
- * $gameMap.blendColor() // 获取地图合成颜色
- * $gameMap.brightness() // 获取地图明度
- * $gameMap.hue() // 获取地图色相
- * $gameMap.upperOpacity() // 获取上层透明度
- * $gameMap.lowerOpacity() // 获取下层透明度
- *
- * [特别说明]
- * 当你 "更改地图图块" 后, 图块备注将被重置
- * 如果你想保持图块备注,请用 “重置滤镜”
- *
- * @param bgSyncList
- * @text 背景同步列表
- * @desc 将背景图与下层图块同步的参数
- * @type select[]
- * @value Tone
- * @value BlendColor
- * @value Hue
- * @value Brightness
- * @value Opacity
- * @default ["Tone","BlendColor"]
- *
- * @param fgSyncList
- * @text 前景同步列表
- * @desc 将前景图与上层图块同步的参数
- * @type select[]
- * @value Tone
- * @value BlendColor
- * @value Hue
- * @value Brightness
- * @value Opacity
- * @default ["Tone","BlendColor"]
- *
- * @param preconvert
- * @text 预转换
- * @desc 在启动时生成滤镜效果,避免首次加载时的延迟。
- * @type boolean
- * @default true
- *
- * @command setColorTone
- * @text 更改颜色色调
- * @arg tone
- * @text 色调
- * @desc R,G,B,gray
- * RGB:-255 到 255 gray:0 到 255
- * @default 0,0,0,0
- * @type combo
- * @option 0,0,0,0
- * @option -68,-68,-68,0 // 黑暗
- * @option 34,-34,-68,170 // 墨汁
- * @option 68,-34,-34,0 // 日落
- * @option -68,-68,0,68 // 夜晚
- * @arg duration
- * @text 持续时间
- * @desc 立即生效则设置为0
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 是否等待完成
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- * @command setBlendColor
- * @text 更改合成颜色
- * @arg blendColor
- * @text 合成颜色
- * @desc R,G,B,opacity
- * RGB:0 到 255 opacity:0 到 255
- * @default 0,0,0,0
- * @arg duration
- * @text 持续时间
- * @desc 立即生效则设置为0
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 是否等待完成
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- * @command setHue
- * @text 更改色相
- * @arg hue
- * @text 色相
- * @desc -360 到 360
- * @default 0
- * @arg duration
- * @text 持续时间
- * @desc 立即生效则设置为0
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 是否等待完成
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- * @command setBrightness
- * @text 更改明度
- * @arg brightness
- * @text 明度
- * @desc 0 到 255
- * @default 255
- * @arg duration
- * @text 持续时间
- * @desc 立即生效则设置为0
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 是否等待完成
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- * @command setOpacity
- * @text 更改透明度
- * @arg layer
- * @text 层
- * @default All
- * @type select
- * @value All
- * @value Upper
- * @value Lower
- * @arg opacity
- * @text 透明度
- * @desc 0 到 255
- * @default 255
- * @arg duration
- * @text 持续时间
- * @desc 立即生效则设置为0
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 是否等待完成
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- * @command resetFilter
- * @text 重置滤镜
- * @arg filter
- * @text 种类
- * @default All
- * @type select
- * @option 所有
- * @value All
- * @option 色调
- * @value Tone
- * @option 合成颜色
- * @value BlendColor
- * @option 色相
- * @value Hue
- * @option 明度
- * @value Brightness
- * @option 透明度
- * @value Opacity
- * @arg duration
- * @text 持续时间
- * @desc 立即生效则设置为0
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 是否等待完成
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- */
- /*:ja
- * @target MZ
- * @plugindesc マップタイルに対して様々な操作を行えます。
- * キャラクターには影響しません。
- * @author あわやまたな (Awaya_Matana)
- * @url https://awaya3ji.seesaa.net/article/505508535.html
- * @help [メモ(マップ及びタイルセット)]
- * <tileTone:R,G,B,gray> //タイルの色調
- * RGB:-255~255 gray:0~255
- * <tileBlend:R,G,B,opacity> //タイルの合成色
- * RGB:0~255 opacity:0~255
- * <tileHue:hue> //タイルの色相
- * hue:-360~360
- * <tileBrightness:brightness> //タイルの明度
- * brightness:0~255
- * <tileOpacity:opacity> //タイルの不透明度
- * <tileOpacity:upperOpacity,lowerOpacity> //上層、下層の個別指定
- * opacity:0~255
- *
- * [スクリプト]
- * $gameMap.tone() //色調の取得
- * $gameMap.blendColor() //合成色の取得
- * $gameMap.brightness() //明度の取得
- * $gameMap.hue() //色相の取得
- * $gameMap.upperOpacity() //上層の不透明度の取得
- * $gameMap.lowerOpacity() //下層の不透明度の取得
- *
- * [仕様]
- * 「タイルセットの変更」をするとタイルセットのメモが反映されます。
- * マップのメモを優先したい場合は直後に「フィルターのリセット」を
- * 実行してください。
- *
- * [更新履歴]
- * 2024/11/03:Ver.1.0.0 公開。
- * 2024/11/04:Ver.1.1.0 処理を削減しました。
- * 2024/11/06:Ver.1.1.1 スペルミスを修正しました。
- * 2024/11/06:Ver.1.2.0 タイルセットのメモを追加しました。
- * 2024/11/09:Ver.1.2.1 イベントテスト時のエラーを修正。
- * 2024/11/25:Ver.1.2.2 FilterControllerMZ併用時の挙動を修正。
- * 2024/11/26:Ver.1.2.3 初回操作時のラグを抑制する処理を追加。
- * 2024/12/27:Ver.1.2.4 描画の不具合を修正。
- *
- * @param bgSyncList
- * @text 遠景の同期リスト
- * @desc 遠景を下層タイルと同期させます。
- * @type select[]
- * @option 色調
- * @value Tone
- * @option 合成色
- * @value BlendColor
- * @option 色相
- * @value Hue
- * @option 明度
- * @value Brightness
- * @option 不透明度
- * @value Opacity
- * @default ["Tone","BlendColor"]
- *
- * @param fgSyncList
- * @text 近景の同期リスト
- * @desc 近景を上層タイルと同期させます。
- * @type select[]
- * @option 色調
- * @value Tone
- * @option 合成色
- * @value BlendColor
- * @option 色相
- * @value Hue
- * @option 明度
- * @value Brightness
- * @option 不透明度
- * @value Opacity
- * @default ["Tone","BlendColor"]
- *
- * @param preconvert
- * @text 事前変換
- * @desc ブート時にフィルターを生成して、初回のラグを防ぎます。
- * @type boolean
- * @default true
- *
- * @command setColorTone
- * @text 色調の変更
- * @arg tone
- * @text 色調
- * @desc R,G,B,グレー
- * RGB:-255~255 グレー:0~255
- * @default 0,0,0,0
- * @type combo
- * @option 0,0,0,0
- * @option -68,-68,-68,0 //ダーク
- * @option 34,-34,-68,170 //セピア
- * @option 68,-34,-34,0 //夕暮れ
- * @option -68,-68,0,68 //夜
- * @arg duration
- * @text 時間
- * @desc 0で瞬間適用
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 完了までウェイト
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- * @command setBlendColor
- * @text 色の合成
- * @arg blendColor
- * @text 合成色
- * @desc R,G,B,不透明度
- * RGB:0~255 不透明度:0~255
- * @default 0,0,0,0
- * @arg duration
- * @text 時間
- * @desc 0で瞬間適用
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 完了までウェイト
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- * @command setHue
- * @text 色相の変更
- * @arg hue
- * @text 色相
- * @desc -360~360
- * @default 0
- * @arg duration
- * @text 時間
- * @desc 0で瞬間適用
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 完了までウェイト
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- * @command setBrightness
- * @text 明度の変更
- * @arg brightness
- * @text 明度
- * @desc 0~255
- * @default 255
- * @arg duration
- * @text 時間
- * @desc 0で瞬間適用
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 完了までウェイト
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- * @command setOpacity
- * @text 不透明度の変更
- * @arg layer
- * @text レイヤー
- * @default All
- * @type select
- * @option 全て
- * @value All
- * @option 上層
- * @value Upper
- * @option 下層
- * @value Lower
- * @arg opacity
- * @text 不透明度
- * @desc 0~255
- * @default 255
- * @arg duration
- * @text 時間
- * @desc 0で瞬間適用
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 完了までウェイト
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- * @command resetFilter
- * @text フィルターのリセット
- * @arg filter
- * @text フィルター
- * @default All
- * @type select
- * @option 全て
- * @value All
- * @option 色調
- * @value Tone
- * @option 合成色
- * @value BlendColor
- * @option 色相
- * @value Hue
- * @option 明度
- * @value Brightness
- * @option 不透明度
- * @value Opacity
- * @arg duration
- * @text 時間
- * @desc 0で瞬間適用
- * @default 0
- * @arg wait
- * @text 完了までウェイト
- * @default false
- * @type boolean
- *
- */
- 'use strict';
- {
- //プラグイン名取得。
- const pluginName = document.currentScript.src.match(/^.*\/(.*).js$/)[1];
- const parameters = PluginManager.parameters(pluginName);
- const _PluginManager = window.PluginManagerEx ?? PluginManager;
- const script = window.PluginManagerEx ? document.currentScript : pluginName;
- const bgSyncMethods = createMethods(parameters.bgSyncList);
- const fgSyncMethods = createMethods(parameters.fgSyncList, true);
- const preconvert = parameters.preconvert !== "false";
- function createMethods(list, upper) {
- const methods = [];
- for (const name of JSON.parse(list || "[]")) {
- switch (name) {
- case "Tone":
- methods.push(["setColorTone", "tone"]);
- break;
- case "BlendColor":
- methods.push(["setBlendColor", "blendColor"]);
- break;
- case "Hue":
- methods.push(["setHue", "hue"]);
- break;
- case "Brightness":
- methods.push(["setBrightness", "brightness"]);
- break;
- case "Opacity":
- methods.push(["setOpacity", (upper ? "upperOpacity" : "lowerOpacity")]);
- break;
- }
- }
- return methods;
- }
- const _layers = ["Layer"];
- const hasFilterControllerMZ = PluginManager._scripts.contains("FilterControllerMZ");
- const hasBillboard = ["TF_LayeredMap", "TF_Billboard"].some(name => PluginManager._scripts.contains(name));
- if (Utils.checkRMVersion("1.7.0")) {
- _layers.push("CombinedLayer");
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // PluginManager
- _PluginManager.registerCommand(script, "setColorTone", function(args) {
- const d = +args.duration;
- $gameMap.setTone(args.tone.split(",").map(n=>parseInt(n)), d);
- if (d && String(args.wait) === "true") {
- this.wait(d);
- }
- });
- _PluginManager.registerCommand(script, "setBlendColor", function(args) {
- const d = +args.duration;
- $gameMap.setBlendColor(args.blendColor.split(",").map(Number), d);
- if (d && String(args.wait) === "true") {
- this.wait(d);
- }
- });
- _PluginManager.registerCommand(script, "setHue", function(args) {
- const d = +args.duration;
- $gameMap.setHue(+args.hue, d);
- if (d && String(args.wait) === "true") {
- this.wait(d);
- }
- });
- _PluginManager.registerCommand(script, "setBrightness", function(args) {
- const d = +args.duration;
- $gameMap.setBrightness(+args.brightness, d);
- if (d && String(args.wait) === "true") {
- this.wait(d);
- }
- });
- _PluginManager.registerCommand(script, "setOpacity", function(args) {
- const opacity = +args.opacity;
- const d = +args.duration;
- switch (args.layer){
- case "Upper":
- $gameMap.setUpperOpacity(opacity, d);
- break;
- case "Lower":
- $gameMap.setLowerOpacity(opacity, d);
- break;
- default:
- $gameMap.setUpperOpacity(opacity, d);
- $gameMap.setLowerOpacity(opacity, d);
- break;
- }
- if (d && String(args.wait) === "true") {
- this.wait(d);
- }
- });
- _PluginManager.registerCommand(script, "resetFilter", function(args) {
- const d = +args.duration;
- switch (args.filter){
- case "All":
- $gameMap.resetTone(d);
- $gameMap.resetBlendColor(d);
- $gameMap.resetHue(d);
- $gameMap.resetBrightness(d);
- $gameMap.resetOpacity(d);
- break;
- default:
- $gameMap["reset" + args.filter](d);
- break;
- }
- if (d && String(args.wait) === "true") {
- this.wait(d);
- }
- });
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Game_Map
- const _Game_Map_initialize = Game_Map.prototype.initialize;
- Game_Map.prototype.initialize = function() {
- _Game_Map_initialize.call(this);
- this.clearTone();
- this.clearBlendColor();
- this.clearHue();
- this.clearBrightness();
- this.clearUpperOpacity();
- this.clearLowerOpacity();
- };
- const _Game_Map_setup = Game_Map.prototype.setup;
- Game_Map.prototype.setup = function(mapId) {
- _Game_Map_setup.call(this, mapId);
- this.setupTone();
- this.setupBlendColor();
- this.setupHue();
- this.setupBrightness();
- this.setupOpacity();
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.tone = function() {
- return this._tone;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.blendColor = function() {
- return this._blendColor;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.hue = function() {
- return this._hue;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.brightness = function() {
- return this._brightness;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.upperOpacity = function() {
- return this._upperOpacity;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.lowerOpacity = function() {
- return this._lowerOpacity;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.clearTone = function() {
- this._tone = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- this._toneTarget = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- this._toneDuration = 0;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.clearBlendColor = function() {
- this._blendColor = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- this._blendTarget = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- this._blendDuration = 0;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.clearHue = function() {
- this._hue = 0;
- this._hueTarget = 0;
- this._hueDuration = 0;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.clearBrightness = function() {
- this._brightness = 255;
- this._brightnessTarget = 0;
- this._brightnessDuration = 0;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.clearUpperOpacity = function() {
- this._upperOpacity = 255;
- this._upperOpacityTarget = 0;
- this._upperOpacityDuration = 0;
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.clearLowerOpacity = function() {
- this._lowerOpacity = 255;
- this._lowerOpacityTarget = 0;
- this._lowerOpacityDuration = 0;
- };
- function getMeta(name, _this) {
- const tileset = _this.tileset();
- return ($dataMap.meta && $dataMap.meta[name]) || (tileset && tileset.meta && tileset.meta[name]);
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setupTone = function() {
- this.clearTone();
- const meta = getMeta("tileTone", this);
- if (meta) {
- const tone = meta.split(",").map(Number);
- this.setTone(tone);
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setupBlendColor = function() {
- this.clearBlendColor();
- const meta = getMeta("tileBlend", this);
- if (meta) {
- const blendColor = meta.split(",").map(Number);
- this.setBlendColor(blendColor);
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setupHue = function() {
- this.clearHue();
- const meta = getMeta("tileHue", this);
- if (meta) {
- const hue = Number(meta || 0);
- this.setHue(hue);
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setupBrightness = function() {
- this.clearBrightness();
- const meta = getMeta("tileBrightness", this);
- if (meta) {
- const brightness = Number(meta || 0);
- this.setBrightness(brightness);
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setupOpacity = function() {
- this.clearUpperOpacity();
- this.clearLowerOpacity();
- const meta = getMeta("tileOpacity", this);
- if (meta) {
- const opacity = meta.split(",").map(Number);
- this.setUpperOpacity(opacity[0]);
- this.setLowerOpacity(opacity[1] ?? opacity[0]);
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setTone = function(tone, duration) {
- this._toneTarget = tone.clone();
- this._toneDuration = duration;
- if (!duration) {
- this._tone = this._toneTarget.clone();
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setBlendColor = function(color, duration) {
- this._blendTarget = color.clone();
- this._blendDuration = duration;
- if (!duration) {
- this._blendColor = this._blendTarget.clone();
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setHue = function(hue, duration) {
- this._hueTarget = hue;
- this._hueDuration = duration;
- if (!duration) {
- this._hue = this._hueTarget;
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setBrightness = function(brightness, duration) {
- this._brightnessTarget = brightness;
- this._brightnessDuration = duration;
- if (!duration) {
- this._brightness = this._brightnessTarget;
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setUpperOpacity = function(opacity, duration) {
- this._upperOpacityTarget = opacity;
- this._upperOpacityDuration = duration;
- if (!duration) {
- this._upperOpacity = this._upperOpacityTarget;
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.setLowerOpacity = function(opacity, duration) {
- this._lowerOpacityTarget = opacity;
- this._lowerOpacityDuration = duration;
- if (!duration) {
- this._lowerOpacity = this._lowerOpacityTarget;
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.resetTone = function(duration) {
- const tone = this.tone();
- this.setupTone();
- const toneTarget = this.tone();
- this.setTone(tone);
- this.setTone(toneTarget, duration);
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.resetBlendColor = function(duration) {
- const color = this.blendColor();
- this.setupBlendColor();
- const colorTarget = this.blendColor();
- this.setBlendColor(color);
- this.setBlendColor(colorTarget, duration);
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.resetHue = function(duration) {
- const hue = this.hue();
- this.setupHue();
- const hueTarget = this.hue();
- this.setHue(hue);
- this.setHue(hueTarget, duration);
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.resetBrightness = function(duration) {
- const brightness = this.brightness();
- this.setupBrightness();
- const brightnessTarget = this.brightness();
- this.setBrightness(brightness);
- this.setBrightness(brightnessTarget, duration);
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.resetOpacity = function(duration) {
- const upperOpacity = this.upperOpacity();
- const lowerOpacity = this.lowerOpacity();
- this.setupOpacity();
- const upperTarget = this.upperOpacity();
- const lowerTarget = this.lowerOpacity();
- this.setUpperOpacity(upperOpacity);
- this.setLowerOpacity(lowerOpacity);
- this.setUpperOpacity(upperTarget, duration);
- this.setLowerOpacity(lowerTarget, duration);
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.updateTone = function() {
- if (this._toneDuration > 0) {
- const d = this._toneDuration;
- for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- this._tone[i] = (this._tone[i] * (d - 1) + this._toneTarget[i]) / d;
- }
- this._toneDuration--;
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.updateBlendColor = function() {
- if (this._blendDuration > 0) {
- const d = this._blendDuration;
- for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- this._blendColor[i] = (this._blendColor[i] * (d - 1) + this._blendTarget[i]) / d;
- }
- this._blendDuration--;
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.updateHue = function() {
- if (this._hueDuration > 0) {
- const d = this._hueDuration;
- this._hue = (this._hue * (d - 1) + this._hueTarget) / d;
- this._hueDuration--;
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.updateBrightness = function() {
- if (this._brightnessDuration > 0) {
- const d = this._brightnessDuration;
- this._brightness = (this._brightness * (d - 1) + this._brightnessTarget) / d;
- this._brightnessDuration--;
- }
- };
- Game_Map.prototype.updateOpacity = function() {
- if (this._upperOpacityDuration > 0) {
- const d = this._upperOpacityDuration;
- this._upperOpacity = (this._upperOpacity * (d - 1) + this._upperOpacityTarget) / d;
- this._upperOpacityDuration--;
- }
- if (this._lowerOpacityDuration > 0) {
- const d = this._lowerOpacityDuration;
- this._lowerOpacity = (this._lowerOpacity * (d - 1) + this._lowerOpacityTarget) / d;
- this._lowerOpacityDuration--;
- }
- };
- const _Game_Map_update = Game_Map.prototype.update;
- Game_Map.prototype.update = function(sceneActive) {
- _Game_Map_update.call(this, sceneActive);
- this.updateTone();
- this.updateBlendColor();
- this.updateHue();
- this.updateBrightness();
- this.updateOpacity();
- };
- const _Game_Map_changeTileset = Game_Map.prototype.changeTileset;
- Game_Map.prototype.changeTileset = function(tilesetId) {
- _Game_Map_changeTileset.call(this, tilesetId);
- const tileset = this.tileset();
- const meta = tileset && tileset.meta;
- if (!meta) return;
- if (meta.tileTone) {
- const tone = meta.tileTone.split(",").map(Number);
- this.setTone(tone);
- }
- if (meta.tileBlend) {
- const blendColor = meta.tileBlend.split(",").map(Number);
- this.setBlendColor(blendColor);
- }
- if (meta.tileHue) {
- const hue = Number(meta.tileHue || 0);
- this.setHue(hue);
- }
- if (meta.tileBrightness) {
- const brightness = Number(meta.tileBrightness || 0);
- this.setBrightness(brightness);
- }
- if (meta.tileOpacity) {
- const opacity = meta.tileOpacity.split(",").map(Number);
- this.setUpperOpacity(opacity[0]);
- this.setLowerOpacity(opacity[1] ?? opacity[0]);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Spriteset_Map
- const _Spriteset_Map_updateTilemap = Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateTilemap;
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateTilemap = function() {
- _Spriteset_Map_updateTilemap.call(this);
- const upperLayer = this._tilemap._upperLayer;
- const lowerLayer = this._tilemap._lowerLayer;
- upperLayer.setColorTone($gameMap.tone());
- lowerLayer.setColorTone($gameMap.tone());
- upperLayer.setBlendColor($gameMap.blendColor());
- lowerLayer.setBlendColor($gameMap.blendColor());
- upperLayer.setHue($gameMap.hue());
- lowerLayer.setHue($gameMap.hue());
- upperLayer.setBrightness($gameMap.brightness());
- lowerLayer.setBrightness($gameMap.brightness());
- upperLayer.setOpacity($gameMap.upperOpacity());
- lowerLayer.setOpacity($gameMap.lowerOpacity());
- };
- if (hasBillboard) {
- const _Spriteset_Map_updateTilemap = Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateTilemap;
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateTilemap = function() {
- _Spriteset_Map_updateTilemap.call(this);
- for (const billboard of this._tilemap._billboards) {
- billboard.setColorTone($gameMap.tone());
- billboard.setBlendColor($gameMap.blendColor());
- billboard.setHue($gameMap.hue());
- billboard.setBrightness($gameMap.brightness());
- billboard.setOpacity($gameMap.upperOpacity());
- }
- };
- }
- if (bgSyncMethods.length) {
- const _Spriteset_Map_updateParallax = Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateParallax;
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateParallax = function() {
- _Spriteset_Map_updateParallax.call(this);
- if (this._parallax.bitmap) {
- for (const methods of bgSyncMethods) {
- this._parallax[methods[0]]($gameMap[methods[1]]());
- }
- }
- };
- }
- if (Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateForeground && fgSyncMethods.length) {
- const _Spriteset_Map_updateForeground = Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateForeground;
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateForeground = function() {
- _Spriteset_Map_updateForeground.apply(this, arguments);
- if (this._foreground.bitmap) {
- for (const methods of fgSyncMethods) {
- this._foreground[methods[0]]($gameMap[methods[1]]());
- }
- }
- };
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sprite_Character
- const _Sprite_Character_updateOther = Sprite_Character.prototype.updateOther;
- Sprite_Character.prototype.updateOther = function() {
- _Sprite_Character_updateOther.call(this);
- if (this._tileId > 0) {
- this.setHue($gameMap.hue());
- } else {
- this.setHue(0);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Tilemap.(Combined)Layer
- for (const Layer of _layers) {
- const _Tilemap_Layer_initialize = Tilemap[Layer].prototype.initialize;
- Tilemap[Layer].prototype.initialize = function() {
- _Tilemap_Layer_initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- this._opacity = 255;
- this._hue = 0;
- this._brightness = 255;
- this._blendColor = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- this._colorTone = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- this._alphaFilter = null;
- this._colorFilter = null;
- };
- Tilemap[Layer].prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity) {
- if (this._opacity !== Number(opacity)) {
- this._opacity = Number(opacity);
- this._updateColorFilter();
- }
- };
- Tilemap[Layer].prototype.setHue = function(hue) {
- if (this._hue !== Number(hue)) {
- this._hue = Number(hue);
- this._updateColorFilter();
- }
- };
- Tilemap[Layer].prototype.setBrightness = function(brightness) {
- if (this._brightness !== Number(brightness)) {
- this._brightness = Number(brightness);
- this._updateColorFilter();
- }
- };
- Tilemap[Layer].prototype.getBlendColor = function() {
- return this._blendColor.clone();
- };
- Tilemap[Layer].prototype.setBlendColor = function(color) {
- if (!(color instanceof Array)) {
- throw new Error("Argument must be an array");
- }
- if (!this._blendColor.equals(color)) {
- this._blendColor = color.clone();
- this._updateColorFilter();
- }
- };
- Tilemap[Layer].prototype.getColorTone = function() {
- return this._colorTone.clone();
- };
- Tilemap[Layer].prototype.setColorTone = function(tone) {
- if (!(tone instanceof Array)) {
- throw new Error("Argument must be an array");
- }
- if (!this._colorTone.equals(tone)) {
- this._colorTone = tone.clone();
- this._updateColorFilter();
- }
- };
- Tilemap[Layer].prototype._createColorFilter = function() {
- this._colorFilter = new TileColorFilter();
- if (!this.filters) {
- this.filters = [];
- }
- this.filters.push(this._colorFilter);
- if (!this.filterArea) {
- this.filterArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
- }
- };
- Tilemap[Layer].prototype._updateColorFilter = function() {
- if (!this._colorFilter) {
- this._createColorFilter();
- }
- this._colorFilter.setOpacity(this._opacity);
- this._colorFilter.setHue(this._hue);
- this._colorFilter.setBrightness(this._brightness);
- this._colorFilter.setBlendColor(this._blendColor);
- this._colorFilter.setColorTone(this._colorTone);
- this._colorFilter.enabled = this._opacity < 255 || this._hue > 0 || this._brightness < 255 || !this._blendColor.equals([0,0,0,0]) || !this._colorTone.equals([0,0,0,0]);
- };
- }
- if (!hasFilterControllerMZ && Tilemap.Layer.prototype._render === PIXI.Container.prototype._render) {
- Tilemap.Layer.prototype._render = Tilemap.Layer.prototype.render;
- Tilemap.Layer.prototype.render = PIXI.Container.prototype.render;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // TileColorFilter
- function TileColorFilter() {
- this.initialize(...arguments);
- }
- TileColorFilter.prototype = Object.create(ColorFilter.prototype);
- TileColorFilter.prototype.constructor = TileColorFilter;
- TileColorFilter.prototype.initialize = function() {
- ColorFilter.prototype.initialize.call(this);
- this.uniforms.opacity = 255;
- };
- TileColorFilter.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity) {
- this.uniforms.opacity = Number(opacity);
- };
- TileColorFilter.prototype._fragmentSrc = function() {
- return `varying vec2 vTextureCoord;
- uniform sampler2D uSampler;
- uniform float hue;
- uniform vec4 colorTone;
- uniform vec4 blendColor;
- uniform float brightness;
- uniform float opacity;
- vec3 rgbToHsl(vec3 rgb) {
- float r = rgb.r;
- float g = rgb.g;
- float b = rgb.b;
- float cmin = min(r, min(g, b));
- float cmax = max(r, max(g, b));
- float h = 0.0;
- float s = 0.0;
- float l = (cmin + cmax) / 2.0;
- float delta = cmax - cmin;
- if (delta > 0.0) {
- if (r == cmax) {
- h = mod((g - b) / delta + 6.0, 6.0) / 6.0;
- } else if (g == cmax) {
- h = ((b - r) / delta + 2.0) / 6.0;
- } else {
- h = ((r - g) / delta + 4.0) / 6.0;
- }
- if (l < 1.0) {
- s = delta / (1.0 - abs(2.0 * l - 1.0));
- }
- }
- return vec3(h, s, l);
- }
- vec3 hslToRgb(vec3 hsl) {
- float h = hsl.x;
- float s = hsl.y;
- float l = hsl.z;
- float c = (1.0 - abs(2.0 * l - 1.0)) * s;
- float x = c * (1.0 - abs((mod(h * 6.0, 2.0)) - 1.0));
- float m = l - c / 2.0;
- float cm = c + m;
- float xm = x + m;
- if (h < 1.0 / 6.0) {
- return vec3(cm, xm, m);
- } else if (h < 2.0 / 6.0) {
- return vec3(xm, cm, m);
- } else if (h < 3.0 / 6.0) {
- return vec3(m, cm, xm);
- } else if (h < 4.0 / 6.0) {
- return vec3(m, xm, cm);
- } else if (h < 5.0 / 6.0) {
- return vec3(xm, m, cm);
- } else {
- return vec3(cm, m, xm);
- }
- }
- void main() {
- vec4 sample = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord) * opacity / 255.0;
- float a = sample.a;
- vec3 hsl = rgbToHsl(sample.rgb);
- hsl.x = mod(hsl.x + hue / 360.0, 1.0);
- hsl.y = hsl.y * (1.0 - colorTone.a / 255.0);
- vec3 rgb = hslToRgb(hsl);
- float r = rgb.r;
- float g = rgb.g;
- float b = rgb.b;
- float r2 = colorTone.r / 255.0;
- float g2 = colorTone.g / 255.0;
- float b2 = colorTone.b / 255.0;
- float r3 = blendColor.r / 255.0;
- float g3 = blendColor.g / 255.0;
- float b3 = blendColor.b / 255.0;
- float i3 = blendColor.a / 255.0;
- float i1 = 1.0 - i3;
- r = clamp((r / a + r2) * a, 0.0, 1.0);
- g = clamp((g / a + g2) * a, 0.0, 1.0);
- b = clamp((b / a + b2) * a, 0.0, 1.0);
- r = clamp(r * i1 + r3 * i3 * a, 0.0, 1.0);
- g = clamp(g * i1 + g3 * i3 * a, 0.0, 1.0);
- b = clamp(b * i1 + b3 * i3 * a, 0.0, 1.0);
- r = r * brightness / 255.0;
- g = g * brightness / 255.0;
- b = b * brightness / 255.0;
- gl_FragColor = vec4(r, g, b, a);
- }`;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // TilingSprite
- if (bgSyncMethods.length) {
- const _TilingSprite_initialize = TilingSprite.prototype.initialize;
- TilingSprite.prototype.initialize = function(bitmap) {
- _TilingSprite_initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- this._hue = 0;
- this._brightness = 255;
- this._blendColor = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- this._colorTone = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- this._colorFilter = null;
- };
- TilingSprite.prototype.setHue = function(hue) {
- if (this._hue !== Number(hue)) {
- this._hue = Number(hue);
- this._updateColorFilter();
- }
- };
- TilingSprite.prototype.setBrightness = function(brightness) {
- if (this._brightness !== Number(brightness)) {
- this._brightness = Number(brightness);
- this._updateColorFilter();
- }
- };
- TilingSprite.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity) {
- this.opacity = opacity;
- };
- TilingSprite.prototype.getBlendColor = function() {
- return this._blendColor.clone();
- };
- TilingSprite.prototype.setBlendColor = function(color) {
- if (!(color instanceof Array)) {
- throw new Error("Argument must be an array");
- }
- if (!this._blendColor.equals(color)) {
- this._blendColor = color.clone();
- this._updateColorFilter();
- }
- };
- TilingSprite.prototype.getColorTone = function() {
- return this._colorTone.clone();
- };
- TilingSprite.prototype.setColorTone = function(tone) {
- if (!(tone instanceof Array)) {
- throw new Error("Argument must be an array");
- }
- if (!this._colorTone.equals(tone)) {
- this._colorTone = tone.clone();
- this._updateColorFilter();
- }
- };
- TilingSprite.prototype._createColorFilter = function() {
- this._colorFilter = new ColorFilter();
- if (!this.filters) {
- this.filters = [];
- }
- this.filters.push(this._colorFilter);
- };
- TilingSprite.prototype._updateColorFilter = function() {
- if (!this._colorFilter) {
- this._createColorFilter();
- }
- this._colorFilter.setHue(this._hue);
- this._colorFilter.setBrightness(this._brightness);
- this._colorFilter.setBlendColor(this._blendColor);
- this._colorFilter.setColorTone(this._colorTone);
- this._colorFilter.enabled = this._hue > 0 || this._brightness < 255 || !this._blendColor.equals([0,0,0,0]) || !this._colorTone.equals([0,0,0,0]);
- };
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Scene_Boot
- //事前に変換して初回時を軽量化
- if (preconvert && !DataManager.isBattleTest()) {
- const _Scene_Boot_create = Scene_Boot.prototype.create;
- Scene_Boot.prototype.create = function() {
- _Scene_Boot_create.apply(this, arguments);
- const sprite = new Sprite();
- const filter = new TileColorFilter();
- sprite.filters = [filter];
- this.addChild(sprite);
- };
- }
- }