本帖最后由 烁灵 于 2024-6-20 17:46 编辑
原地址:Proximity Sensor (RMMZ) | RPG Maker Forums (rpgmakerweb.com)
脚本:命名为 r88_ProximitySensor.js
- /*:
- @target MZ
- @plugindesc 距离检测与直线视线.
- 汉化 by 烁灵 更多脚本请访问 www.hknmtt.com
- @author reflector88
- @url https://reflector88.itch.io/
- @help
- "Proximity Sensor 1.2"
- 本脚本将可在事件接近玩家时开启 开关或独立开关
- 可用来制作巡逻敌人、隐身物品、陷阱等,同时提供直线视线功能
- Update
- -V1.1 Added "Facing in a Line"
- -V1.2 Switches now toggle; improved compatibility
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- 设置
- 1. 在事件指令中选择 "插件指令"
- 2. 选择你想用的距离检测类型:
- "所有" - 在所有方向上检测.
- "面对" - 只检查事件面对的方向.
- "十字线" - 在十字线上检测.
- "面对线" - 在事件面对的方向,并且与事件在同一条线上
- 3. 设置对象和距离
- (比如 "小于等于 3" 检查玩家是否与事件距离 3 格以内)
- 4. 设置要开启的开关/独立开关
- 5. 设置区域ID或地形标识来表示视野障碍
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- This plugin is free to use in both commercial and non-commercial projects,
- though please credit me.
- @param Obstacle Region ID
- @text 障碍物区域ID
- @type number
- @desc 阻挡视线的区域ID
- @default 1
- @param Obstacle Terrain Tag
- @text 障碍物地形标识
- @type number
- @desc 阻挡视线的地形标识
- @default 1
- @command Basic
- @text 所有方向
- @desc 检查事件是否接近玩家
- @arg Operator
- @text 计算方式
- @type select
- @option 小于
- @value less than
- @option 小于等于
- @value less than or equal to
- @option 等于
- @value equals
- @option 大于等于
- @value greater than or equal to
- @option 大于
- @value greater than
- @default less than or equal to
- @desc 计算方式.
- @arg Distance
- @text 距离
- @type number
- @default 3
- @desc 比较与玩家的距离
- @arg Self-Switch
- @text 独立开关
- @type select
- @option 0 @option A @option B @option C @option D
- @default A
- @desc 开启的独立开关
- @arg Switch
- @text 开关
- @type switch
- @default 0
- @desc 开启的开关
- @command Facing
- @text 面对
- @desc 检查事件是否在事件面向的方向上接近玩家
- @arg Operator
- @text 计算方式
- @type select
- @option 小于
- @value less than
- @option 小于等于
- @value less than or equal to
- @option 等于
- @value equals
- @option 大于等于
- @value greater than or equal to
- @option 大于
- @value greater than
- @default less than or equal to
- @desc 计算方式.
- @arg Distance
- @text 距离
- @type number
- @default 3
- @desc 比较与玩家的距离
- @arg Self-Switch
- @text 独立开关
- @type select
- @option 0 @option A @option B @option C @option D
- @default A
- @desc 开启的独立开关
- @arg Switch
- @text 开关
- @type switch
- @default 0
- @desc 开启的开关
- @command Orthogonal
- @text 十字线
- @desc 检查事件在所在的十字线上是否接近玩家
- @arg Operator
- @text 计算方式
- @type select
- @option 小于
- @value less than
- @option 小于等于
- @value less than or equal to
- @option 等于
- @value equals
- @option 大于等于
- @value greater than or equal to
- @option 大于
- @value greater than
- @default less than or equal to
- @desc 计算方式.
- @arg Distance
- @text 距离
- @type number
- @default 3
- @desc 比较与玩家的距离
- @arg Self-Switch
- @text 独立开关
- @type select
- @option 0 @option A @option B @option C @option D
- @default A
- @desc 开启的独立开关
- @arg Switch
- @text 开关
- @type switch
- @default 0
- @desc 开启的开关
- @command FacingLine
- @text 面对线
- @desc 检查事件在事件面对的线上是否接近玩家.
- @arg Operator
- @text 计算方式
- @type select
- @option 小于
- @value less than
- @option 小于等于
- @value less than or equal to
- @option 等于
- @value equals
- @option 大于等于
- @value greater than or equal to
- @option 大于
- @value greater than
- @default less than or equal to
- @desc 计算方式.
- @arg Distance
- @text 距离
- @type number
- @default 3
- @desc 比较与玩家的距离
- @arg Self-Switch
- @text 独立开关
- @type select
- @option 0 @option A @option B @option C @option D
- @default A
- @desc 开启的独立开关
- @arg Switch
- @text 开关
- @type switch
- @default 0
- @desc 开启的开关
- */
- (() => {
- 'use strict';
- var r88 = r88 || {};
- r88.PS = r88.PS || {};
- r88.PS.parameters = PluginManager.parameters('r88_ProximitySensor');
- r88.PS.regionId = r88.PS.parameters["Obstacle Region ID"];
- r88.PS.terrainTag = r88.PS.parameters["Obstacle Terrain Tag"];
- function r88_isProx(args) {
- const playerX = $gamePlayer.x;
- const playerY = $gamePlayer.y;
- const eventX = $gameMap.event(this._eventId).x;
- const eventY = $gameMap.event(this._eventId).y;
- const operator = args['Operator'];
- const distance = args['Distance'];
- const proximity = (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(eventX - playerX, 2) +
- Math.pow(eventY - playerY, 2)));
- switch (operator) {
- case 'less than': return proximity < distance;
- case 'less than or equal to': return proximity <= distance;
- case 'equals': return proximity === distance;
- case 'greater than or equal to': return proximity >= distance;
- case 'greater than': return proximity > distance;
- default: return false;
- }
- }
- function r88_isFacing() {
- const dir = $gameMap.event(this._eventId).direction();
- const playerX = $gamePlayer.x;
- const playerY = $gamePlayer.y;
- const eventX = $gameMap.event(this._eventId).x;
- const eventY = $gameMap.event(this._eventId).y;
- if (dir == 2 && eventY < playerY || dir == 8 && eventY > playerY
- || dir == 4 && eventX > playerX || dir == 6 && eventX < playerX) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- function r88_isOrthogonal() {
- const playerX = $gamePlayer.x;
- const playerY = $gamePlayer.y;
- const eventX = $gameMap.event(this._eventId).x;
- const eventY = $gameMap.event(this._eventId).y;
- return playerX === eventX || playerY === eventY;
- }
- // Bresenham Algorithm for line of sight calculation
- function r88_inLineOfSight() {
- const tileCoords = [];
- const playerX = $gamePlayer.x;
- const playerY = $gamePlayer.y;
- const eventX = $gameMap.event(this._eventId).x;
- const eventY = $gameMap.event(this._eventId).y;
- const distanceX = Math.abs(playerX - eventX);
- const distanceY = Math.abs(playerY - eventY);
- const incrementX = (eventX < playerX) ? 1 : -1;
- const incrementY = (eventY < playerY) ? 1 : -1;
- let tileX = eventX;
- let tileY = eventY;
- let error = distanceX - distanceY;
- while (tileX !== playerX || tileY !== playerY) {
- tileCoords.push([tileX, tileY]);
- const error2 = 2 * error;
- if (error2 > -distanceY) {
- error -= distanceY;
- tileX += incrementX;
- }
- if (error2 < distanceX) {
- error += distanceX;
- tileY += incrementY;
- }
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < tileCoords.length; i++) {
- if ($gameMap.regionId(tileCoords[i][0], tileCoords[i][1]) == r88.PS.regionId ||
- $gameMap.terrainTag(tileCoords[i][0], tileCoords[i][1]) == r88.PS.terrainTag)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function r88_FlipSwitch(args) {
- if (r88_inLineOfSight.call(this)) {
- if (args['Self-Switch'] !== '0') {
- $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId,
- args['Self-Switch']], !$gameSelfSwitches.value([this._mapId, this._eventId,
- args['Self-Switch']]));
- }
- $gameSwitches.setValue(args['Switch'], !$gameSwitches.value(args['Switch']));
- }
- }
- // User-defined plugin commands
- function r88_basicProx(args) {
- if (r88_isProx.call(this, args)) {
- r88_FlipSwitch.call(this, args);
- }
- }
- function r88_facingProx(args) {
- if (r88_isProx.call(this, args) && r88_isFacing.call(this)) {
- r88_FlipSwitch.call(this, args);
- }
- }
- function r88_orthogonalProx(args) {
- if (r88_isProx.call(this, args) && r88_isOrthogonal.call(this)) {
- r88_FlipSwitch.call(this, args);
- }
- }
- function r88_facingLineProx(args) {
- if (r88_isProx.call(this, args) && r88_isFacing.call(this) && r88_isOrthogonal.call(this)) {
- r88_FlipSwitch.call(this, args);
- }
- }
- PluginManager.registerCommand("r88_ProximitySensor", "Basic", r88_basicProx);
- PluginManager.registerCommand("r88_ProximitySensor", "Facing", r88_facingProx);
- PluginManager.registerCommand("r88_ProximitySensor", "Orthogonal", r88_orthogonalProx);
- PluginManager.registerCommand("r88_ProximitySensor", "FacingLine", r88_facingLineProx);
- })();