烁灵 发表于 2024-7-14 01:36:36


本帖最后由 烁灵 于 2024-7-14 01:55 编辑

原地址: https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/i ... cooldown-mz.126885/

脚本:保存为 SimpleSkillColldown.js
/*:@target MZ
@url https://github.com/theoallen/RMMZ
@plugindesc v1.0.0 - Simple Skill Cooldown
汉化 by 烁灵 更多插件请访问 www.hknmtt.com
@author TheoAllen

在技能备注中填写 <cooldown: x> x为回合数

Next plan:
- Customizable CD text in the skill window
- Give me more ideas...

Terms of Use:
- Free for commercial
var Theo = Theo || {}
Theo.SkillCD = function(){
    const _ = Theo.SkillCD
    const $ = Game_Battler.prototype

    _.version = '1.0.0'
    _.cooldownRGX = /<cooldown[\s_]*:\s*(\d+)>/i
    $._cooldowns = {}

    _.skillInCooldown = function(skillId){
      return this._cooldowns && this._cooldowns > 0

    _.resetCooldown = function(){
      this._cooldowns = {}

    _.updateCooldown = function(){
      Object.keys(this._cooldowns).forEach(cd => {
            this._cooldowns -= 1

    _.setCooldown = function(skillId, turn){
      this._cooldowns = turn

    _.initMembers = $.initMembers
    $.initMembers = function(){

    _.onTurnEnd = $.onTurnEnd
    $.onTurnEnd = function() {

    _.onBattleStart = $.onBattleStart
    $.onBattleStart = function(advantageous) {
      _.onBattleStart.call(this, advantageous)

    _.onBattleEnd = $.onBattleEnd
    $.onBattleEnd = function() {

    _.paySkillCost = $.paySkillCost
    $.paySkillCost = function(skill) {
      _.paySkillCost.call(this, skill)
      _.setCooldown.call(this, skill.id, skill._skillCD)

    _.canPaySkillCost = $.canPaySkillCost
    $.canPaySkillCost = function(skill) {
      return _.canPaySkillCost.call(this, skill) && !_.skillInCooldown.call(this, skill.id)

    wskill = Window_SkillList.prototype
    _.drawSkillCost = wskill.drawSkillCost
    wskill.drawSkillCost = function(skill, x, y, width) {
      if(_.skillInCooldown.call(this._actor, skill.id)){
            let text = this._actor._cooldowns + " CD"
            this.drawText(text, x, y, width, "right")
      _.drawSkillCost.call(this, skill, x, y, width)

    _.dbLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
    DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function(){
      if (!_.dbLoaded.call(this)) {return false};
      if (!_.skillCDLoaded) {
                if(db === null){return}
            _.skillCDLoaded = true
      return true;

    _.loadDB = function(db){
            db._skillCD = 0
      let notedata = db.note.split(/[\r\n]+/)
                db._skillCD = Number(RegExp.$1)

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