烁灵 发表于 2024-5-28 08:58:38


本帖最后由 烁灵 于 2024-5-28 10:37 编辑


原地址:Galv's Visual Novel Choices MZ | RPG Maker Forums (rpgmakerweb.com)


范例:https://www.123pan.com/s/uBKyVv-ptF3A.html 提取码:7MnO


//Galv's Visual Novel Choices MZ
//2020-11-17 - Version 1.0 - release
// Terms can be found at:
// galvs-scripts.com
// 汉化 by 烁灵
// 更多汉化脚本请访问:http://www.hknmtt.com

var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.Galv_VisualNovelChoices = true;

var Galv = Galv || {};            // Galv's main object
Galv.VNC = Galv.VNC || {};      // Plugin object
Galv.VNC.pluginName = "GALV_VisualNovelChoicesMZ";

* @plugindesc (v.1.0) Changes how the "Choice" message boxes display to appear more like visual novels.
* @url http://galvs-scripts.com
* @target MZ
* @author Galv
* @orderAfter GALV_MessageStylesMZ
* @param Command Width
* @desc VNButtons.png 图片的宽度.
* @default 700
* @param Command Height
* @desc 每个选项的高度
* @default 48
* @param Always Middle
* @desc 保持居中,忽略选项的“窗口位置”设置. 填 true 或 false
* @default true
* @param Message Gap
* @desc 选项与对话框的距离
* @default 0
* @param Disabled Button
* @desc 用于显示无效选项的图片编号(如果使用了无效选项插件的话)
* @default 3
* @requiredAssets img/system/VNButtons
* @help
*   Galv's Visual Novel Choices
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 以视觉小说的风格显示选项. 选项按钮图片需要放在 /img/system/ 文件夹下,图片名为:
* "VNButtons.png". 这是一张单图片,包含了所有选项背景,从上到下排列。
* Command Width 和 Command Height 设置图片的宽度和每个按钮图片的高度,确保将
* "Command Width" 设定为图片的宽度。
* VNButtons 文件里第一张图片的按钮编号是 0。这张图是选项的光标图。默认应用的选项按钮图是
* 1 号按钮(在光标图下边第一张)
* 在选项的文本中使用 \b 可以指定不同的选项图片,x 是行数(从1开始)
* "Disabled Button" 选项是为了当你使用无效选项插件做准备的,比如:
* Hime 的 "Disabled Choice Conditions" 插件.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
*      $gameSystem.vnChoices = status;      // status 可以为 true 或 false


Galv.VNC.width = Number(PluginManager.parameters(Galv.VNC.pluginName)["Command Width"]);
Galv.VNC.height = Number(PluginManager.parameters(Galv.VNC.pluginName)["Command Height"]);
Galv.VNC.alwaysMid = PluginManager.parameters(Galv.VNC.pluginName)["Always Middle"].toLowerCase() == 'true';
Galv.VNC.msgGap = Number(PluginManager.parameters(Galv.VNC.pluginName)["Message Gap"]);
Galv.VNC.disableBtn = Number(PluginManager.parameters(Galv.VNC.pluginName)["Disabled Button"]);

// Cache
Galv.VNC.Scene_Boot_loadSystemImages = Scene_Boot.prototype.loadSystemImages;
Scene_Boot.prototype.loadSystemImages = function() {

// Choice stuff
Galv.VNC.Game_System_initialize = Game_System.prototype.initialize;
Game_System.prototype.initialize = function() {
      this.vnChoices = true;

// Overwrite
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.textHeight = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.lineHeight;
Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_lineHeight = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.lineHeight;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.lineHeight = function() {return $gameSystem.vnChoices ? Galv.VNC.height : Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_lineHeight.call(this);};
Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_itemHeight = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.itemHeight;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.itemHeight = function() {return $gameSystem.vnChoices ? Galv.VNC.height : Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_itemHeight.call(this);};

Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_drawItem = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.drawItem;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
      if ($gameSystem.vnChoices) {
                const rect = this.itemRectForText(index);
                if (index === this._index) this.drawButton(index,rect.y,true);
                const offset = 0;//(this.lineHeight() - this.textHeight()) * 0.5;
                this.drawTextEx(this.commandName(index), rect.x, rect.y + offset);
      } else {

Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_updatePlacement = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.updatePlacement;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.updatePlacement = function() {
      if ($gameSystem.vnChoices && Galv.VNC.alwaysMid) {
                this.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this.width) / 2;
      if (this._messageWindow.y >= Graphics.boxHeight / 2) {
                this.y -= Galv.VNC.msgGap;
    } else {
      this.y += Galv.VNC.msgGap;

Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList__refreshCursor = Window_ChoiceList.prototype._refreshCursor;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype._refreshCursor = function() {
      if ($gameSystem.vnChoices) {
                this._cursorSprite.opacity = 0;
      } else {

Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_drawItemBackground = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.drawItemBackground;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.drawItemBackground = function(index) {
      if ($gameSystem.vnChoices) return;

Window_ChoiceList.prototype.drawButton = function(index,y,cursor) {
    const bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem('VNButtons');
    const pw = Galv.VNC.width;
    const ph = Galv.VNC.height;
      let bgId = 0;

    const sx = 0;
      if (cursor) {
                bgId = 0;
      } else {
                if (this._list.enabled === false || !this.choice_background) {
                        bgId = Galv.VNC.disableBtn;
                } else {
                        bgId = this.choice_background ? this.choice_background : 1;
    const sy = bgId * ph;
    this.contents.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, 0, y);

Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_start = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.start;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.start = function() {

Window_ChoiceList.prototype.setupVNChoices = function() {
      this.ChoiceSprites = [];
      this.choice_background = [];
      this._vnIndex = this._index;
    if ($gameSystem.vnChoices) {
      this.opacity = 0;
      } else {
      this.opacity = 255;

Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_update = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.update;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.update = function() {
      if (this._vnIndex != this._index) {
                this._vnIndex = this._index;

Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_updateBackground = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.updateBackground;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.updateBackground = function() {
      if ($gameSystem.vnChoices) {
                this._background = 2;
      } else {

Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_convertEscapeCharacters = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.convertEscapeCharacters;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.convertEscapeCharacters = function(text,index) {
      text = text.replace(/\\/g, '\x1b');
      text = text.replace(/\x1b\x1b/g, '\\');
      text = text.replace(/\x1bB\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
                this.choice_background = parseInt(arguments);
      return "";
      return Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_convertEscapeCharacters.call(this,text);

Window_ChoiceList.prototype.itemRectForText = function(index) {
    let rect = this.itemRect(index);
      if ($gameSystem.vnChoices) {

                let txt = $gameMessage._choices;
                // count icon code
                let icons = txt.match(/\\i\[/g) || txt.match(/\\I\[/g);
                icons = icons ? icons.length * 36 : 0;
                txt = this.convertEscapeCharacters(txt,index);
                txt = txt.replace(/i\[\d*\]/g,"");
                txt = txt.replace(/I\[\d*\]/g,"");
                txt = txt.replace(/c\[\d*\]/g,"");
                txt = txt.replace(/C\[\d*\]/g,"");
                const txtSize = this.textWidth(txt) + icons;

                rect.x = (Galv.VNC.width - txtSize) / 2;
      } else {
                rect.x += $gameSystem.windowPadding();
      rect.width -= $gameSystem.windowPadding() * 2;
      return rect;

Window_ChoiceList.prototype.windowWidth = function() {
    const width = this.maxChoiceWidth() + this.padding * 2;
    return Math.min(width, Graphics.boxWidth);

Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_maxChoiceWidth = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.maxChoiceWidth;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.maxChoiceWidth = function() {
      if ($gameSystem.vnChoices) {
                return Galv.VNC.width;
      } else {
                return Galv.VNC.Window_ChoiceList_maxChoiceWidth.call(this);

Galv.VNC.Window_Message_updateFloatChoiceWindow = Window_Message.prototype.updateFloatChoiceWindow;
Window_Message.prototype.updateFloatChoiceWindow = function() {
      if ($gameSystem.vnChoices) {
                let targetY = Graphics.height - this._choiceListWindow.height;
                if (this.y + this.height > targetY) targetY = 0;
                        this._choiceListWindow.y = targetY;

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查看完整版本: 【汉化】视觉小说风格的选项